Funder Networks Can Be a Beacon [Today's Friendly Reminder]


Oxford University Press defines a beacon as "a fire or light set up in a high or prominent position as a warning, signal, or celebration."

🚨 To me a beacon is a signal for something safe to which one could be drawn. 

🔦 And you already know this: when searching for #funds for a #nonprofit, one can pretty much find a network of #funders for almost any geographic, demographic, purpose, or cause:

*** Environmental health funders in the Midwest? Check
*** Funders in Aging? Check
*** Is there a youth transition funders group? Heck yes. Check!

💡 Nonprofit #leaders can take some time to strategically pursue the members of these groups whose guidelines match their own programs and services, population or mission arena. 

🤓 And you can always ask your friendly local (or national) nonprofit consultant to help. There are quite a few of us and many statewide nonprofit associations keep online directories of registered and licensed consultants.

🗺 Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO) and Maryland Nonprofits are two groups that come to mind.