How do you know it’s the right time to ask for financial support?

How do you know it’s the right time to ask for financial support?

Making the ask is a little like knowing the window of time when grapes are ready to be plucked from the vine. It’s a learned sense of awareness or tuning into and understanding your environment.

Before you approach a prospect to ask for their support, consider the following questions:

1. Have they been appropriately thanked and acknowledged for their last gift?

2. Are there any outstanding business items with this household or individual? Another way to phrase the question, is there anything left unresolved, or still to be communicated from your previous conversation or interaction?

3. Have you run a report to identify which months they’ve given in the past three years?

4. What qualitative information do you have in your donor prospect form about the donor or household?

5. Do you know what reasons they have in mind for giving?

6. Have you asked for permission from the prospect to ask for support?

Other questions could come to mind as well. To raise more money, it helps to know what questions can help inform you about the right timing to ask for financial support.