How Much Can Nonprofits Raise Money for Advocacy - and is Advocacy Allowable by 501(c)(3) charities?

Photo source: my iPhone inside the Capitol in Harrisburg

How Much Can Nonprofits Raise Money for Advocacy - and is Advocacy Allowable by 501(c)(3) charities? 
Yes, it is legal, and I find myself sometimes trying to distinguish between lobbying and advocacy, two words often used interchangeably even by the agencies that allow/encourage advocacy for issues related to a nonprofit's mission to occur - while they simultaneously regulate the practice. 
The short answer still is yes. 
However, there's more to the story, and a great way to get started is to find a trusted, reliable source among your own subfield or a nationally focused nonprofit entity like the National Council of Nonprofits: Associations that convene arts nonprofits, organizations for older adults, groups linking HIV services and health care, education, and more offer their own resources, too. 
Photo source: my iPhone inside the Capitol in Harrisburg