Navigating through sudden turns
Sometimes you must take a sudden right turn without warning and carry on toward a new destination
Now what? I feel like The Great Turn is a little bit of what we have all been doing since March.
How about you? These days, we might be pulled in multiple directions at once. Sometimes you must take a sudden right turn without warning and carry on toward a new destination.
1. Does the current set of challenges present an opportunity? Can you look at new partnerships to reach your goals and perhaps fulfill your mission in ways you could not achieve on your own?
2. Have you used this opportunity to retool something you do regularly or explore some new skill development?
3. What can you stop doing right now -- that maybe was not working anyway?
4. What has this new environment made possible or necessary, that you hadn’t considered before?
I am grateful for what this little buddy below has inspired me to ponder today.