With Unlimited Vacation Time, How Much Are Employees Taking Off Now?

Vacation Destination

🏫 I had the privilege of on occasion working under Peter Cappelli (The Wharton School), when I was a graduate student at the University of Pennsylvania Graduate School of Education's, working for the Institute for Research on Higher Education. 

👓 Cappelli is a genius and he brings rigor to his analyses before he speaks - or writes - I cited his writing for my dissertation, for sure. 

One example of Cappelli's brilliance is his essay for Fast Company from last August: https://lnkd.in/eD7DY8NK

🌅 The open question about how policies of 'unlimited vacation time' are being implemented won't soon be a mystery. 

👩🏽‍💼 Data will eventually become available where we will learn just how much each industry has shifted - or not - since the policies have become more common.

💰 The real loss might be for entry level and mid-level staff who use their vacation as a "bank," and can no longer "cash out" when they leave an organization as they once did when places of work more commonly carried vacation pay on their books.