The Intransient Value of an Iconic Brand

The Intransient Value of an Iconic Brand

To mix it up a bit, and on a whim, I downloaded the Virtual Blue Box Cafe image for a recent Zoom meeting.

While I will probably refrain using the branded background again and not ultimately carry the marketing load and legwork for Tiffany & Co., I have to admit the power of the company's color branding, and its strong association with product elegance.

As a brand, Tiffany & Co. has chosen to focus on its outstanding craftwork and design. The resulting perception, in the minds of consumers worldwide, is one of excellence and timelessness. They’ve mastered their message and repeated it for decades.

To this day, Tiffany & Co. maintains its focus on quality commingled with its seemingly immutable color and font.

To me, Tiffany & Co.'s branding is admirable and inspires me to think - what of our own work and association with art and design?