Some thoughts on cryptocurrency as a tool for fundraising

Some thoughts on cryptocurrency as a tool for fundraising

Did my initial skepticism about cryptocurrency delay my realization that it is a form of revenue worth exploring?

Overall, I would say yes. This is true.

I’m still new when it comes to exploring the many forms of crypto platforms, but I’m keeping an open mind.

I’m fascinated by how many nonprofits are already taking advantage of the benefits: UNICEF, Save the Children, several YMCAs, as well as many religious and educational institutions, among others.

Not surprisingly, Gen Z and younger Millennials are driving this change.

Donations via cryptocurrency have more than doubled since 2017.

More than 12 million Americans hold taxable assets in the currency. Which leads me to think, “Hey, there is some gold in this new hill.”

In the past four years, hundreds of millions of dollars have been given through cryptocurrency, and more is in sight.

To get started, let’s talk today.

(Photo credit: Getty Images)