Board & Nonprofit Leaders: Anticipate Hiring or Evaluating Staff?

Photo Credit: Perry's iPhone

Lindauer posted the results last month's 2023 Advancement Career and Salary Survey ( and quoting their insightful, useful #research:

More than 1,500 professionals from across the #advancement services field participated in a comprehensive #career and salary #survey conducted by the Association of Advancement Services Professionals (aasp), BWF, and Lindauer.

Valuable insights on a range of topics included but are not limited to:

*** Career paths and retention
*** The relationship between data analytics and frontline #fundraising
*** Expectations regarding hybrid and remote work
*** The role of DEI initiatives in the industry and the workplace

Last conducted in 2020, in the three years since, nonprofit organizations and employees have navigated seismic shifts in the #workplace and the job market as a result of the Great Resignation and the Great Reconsideration.

“The results of the 2023 survey illustrate what has changed—as well as what has remained consistent—as advancement services leaders help their organizations adapt to new modes of work and reevaluate skills that will fuel success in their current roles and larger #career development,” says Lindauer CEO Deb Taft. “This study offers nonprofits actionable #data that can help inform strategies for recruiting, developing, and retaining high-performing fundraising and advancement teams.”