Deeply Feeling the Gratitude and Joy

Grateful Plate

For my #colleagues,#team members, friends, long-standing partners-in-crime for the many #movements and causes of which we are a part, I wish you a safe and relaxing holiday weekend. 

I am tremendously buoyed by my #partners, #clients, and for sure and never-to-forget, those that work with me at RPM Consulting Group.

===> Sometimes I have to be in a mood or the right place to access the feelings of joy associated with gratitude. 

*** To be in closely in touch with positive emotions - distinct from positive intellectual thoughts and enthusiasm of which I have a deep well - is not something that comes easy for me. 

>>>>> Today, I am grateful to be grateful and I am happy that I'm finding the place where I can generate those feelings intrinsically. 

To those reading thus far, thanks for your friendship and I look forward to our ongoing interactions no matter how large or small, frequent or rare.