The Platform of Choice for Proposals Still Includes Paper, and Yet...

Godchild's Artwork

The Platform of Choice for Proposals Still Includes Paper, and Yet...

...not everyone wants to be physically handed a paper version.

Much like our godchild's artwork, proposals for support can come in different forms* (see below).

I have adjusted my approach to now ask how someone wants to receive the information. 

Here's why: #Donors, #executors, #professionaladvisors and donor representatives have requested the information many ways:

*** Snail mail/Overnight (FedEx/UPS) it to me
*** Text a link to a secure webpage 
*** Secure efax it to my lawyer
*** PowerPoint Presentation over Zoom it for me
*** Facebook Messenger me the document
*** "DropBox it to me

===> What else might be missing?

* We only received the electronic version before printing it out and putting the painting on our fridge gallery.