Resources for Giving Tuesday

NEOn Giving Tuesday Resource Center

Among the many sources out there, check out this site below.

I thank Julia Campbell for featuring Neon One's online package for hashtag#nonprofits.

While Giving Tuesday is certainly not the end of fundraising for the fiscal/annual year for most groups, it can be an excellent part of the overall engagement campaign.

There's still time to tweak and improve end of year communications and marketing for your organization.

We're just 2 weeks away from hashtag#GivingTuesday! There's still time left to ensure your campaign is set to perform. 

Our planning worksheets, email templates, and social media templates will get you started. You’ll also find tons of examples and fundraising tips you can use as you plan your GivingTuesday activities. 

Download the entire toolkit now! 👇

hashtag#NonprofitFundraising hashtag#NonprofitLeadership hashtag#NonprofitOrganization