Successful Onboarding for Nonprofit Boards Webinar


Why step into an old coach designed for a different era when you can build your own dynamic vehicle for the present and future? 

My colleague and friend, Dolph Goldenburg, is offering another Successful Nonprofits program (no charge) to designed to help participants strengthen their organization’s governance:

Audience: Executive Directors/CEOs and Board Members

Date/Time: Thursday, September 28th at 11 a.m. (Eastern) / 8 a.m. (Pacific) over Zoom

Short description: 

In the dynamic world of #nonprofits, the initial #onboarding of Board members often receives less attention than recruitment. Yet, it is the cornerstone of your new #Board members’ long-term success. More than just an introduction, a well-crafted onboarding process catalyzes their #journey and lays the #foundation for their roles, responsibilities, performance, and the #organizational #culture they will embrace.