Useful Nonprofit Market Data: National Study on Donor Advised Funds

Footprints in the Sand

🌐 The Donor Advised Fund Research Collaborative (DAFRC) examined #data from 50K accounts, 600K DAF contributions, and 2.25M grants from 2014-2022:

===>#Academic and #nonprofit #researchers recently and publicly provided their findings to "gain insights into how individuals and families think about and use #DAFs as part of their household giving."

📰 The executive summary (and full report) is excellent reading for those serving on a #board or working for a nonprofit - summary here:

🏮 The findings have #fundraising implications - 3 examples:

*** 1. Since most (92%) of DAFs have #succession plans, identifying successors with #donor approval and transparency in purpose is a potential long-term engagement strategy 

*** 2. Most DAF grants (59%) are for general operations and so asking DAF supporters what they like to support can include a general operations option - or even highlighting the #impact of the #organization in general.

*** 3. 68% of DAF #grantmaking occurs in the first three quarters of the year - #stewardship of DAF holders should not solely occur in the fourth quarter.

Colleague and leader Eileen R. Heisman was a part of the 12-person brain trust advisory committee. Great job!

Research team contacts: Dan Heist (Brigham Young University), Danielle Vance-McMullen (DePaul University), Jeff Williams (Grand Valley University) - and a fellow Penn GSE future alum, and Brittany Kienker, Ph.D. (Kienker Consulting.