Why Some Nonprofits Have Chosen to Adopt a Donor Code of Conduct


Some groups are taking what they consider proactive steps while others are responding to extant challenges among their own supporters. 

When polled, a distinct, noteworthy percentage (1 in 2) of donor-facing professionals have reported experiencing or witnessing harassment, discrimination, and sexual assault (2018, Association of Fundraising Professionals (AFP Global) and The Chronicle of Philanthropy).

Even if the study of development professionals had shown a low percentage of incidences, I think we would all agree that taking steps to protect employees is critical. 

Without adequate reporting, discipline, and support mechanisms for staff, the incidences of abuse and maltreatment increases risk, impacts performance, and allows the guilty parties to remain unaccountable thereby contributing to a decay of workplace culture. 

For assistance with creating policies and procedures to emphasize a culture and standard for excellence, we can work with organizations with well-developed resources such as Pennsylvania Association of Nonprofit Organizations (PANO) and other statewide and national associations of nonprofit organizations and development professionals. 

Inbox me for more details. linkedin.com/in/perrymonastero
