Four Strategic Planning Trends Emerge During the Pandemic

Four Strategic Planning Trends Emerge During the Pandemic

Here's what I am observing:

==> Some groups are embarking on new strategic plans because their previous plan has recently expired, or will soon expire.

==> Some nonprofits are revamping
their strategic plans—or amending their priorities and strategy—in light of the pandemic, with broad economic and social justice conversations taking place at the board level.

==> Some organizations are taking this moment to course correct and are creating "road maps" or shorter term plans to get them through 2021 or early 2022.

==> Some organizations are doing nothing with regard to strategic plans—because either their previous plan has yet to expire, or if the plan has expired they prefer
to wait until      the pandemic is over before tackling a new plan.

Where do you see yourself on this list?

There are truly several paths to successful nonprofit strategies during a pandemic, economic recession (or worse), and social justice advancements.

The right path
will depend on the unique characteristics of your organization. There is not one correct answer.

What about the fourth option (doing nothing)?

Our environment has changed dramatically since March 2020. Can you afford to wait to investigate and adjust?