Afraid of the time suck involved in making a #fundraising video? [4th post in a series]

Afraid of the time suck involved in making a #fundraising video? [4th post in a series]

Resources below plus 5 tips to get it done quick:

1. Got #content from #blogs or previous email newsletters? Repurpose by talking to the subject or source of the material.

2. Got a key #volunteer you know well? Next time you chat, ask them to record themselves talking for 20 seconds about why they serve. Give them a one-line donation request to tack on the end.

3 & 4. Rinse and repeat #2 with a #donor. Try asking a fellow staff member or a board member.

5. No one available to speak to you today or anytime soon? Collect photos that document your work and create a short #video with inspiring music using an online tool.

Don't have access to an impactful story? That's coming next.

Curated Resources & Experts to help you craft your video #calltoaction - YouTube GivingJulia CampbellBloomerangTechSoup, and ChatterBlast Media