In 2020, #Foundations increasingly apply #equityandinclusion to #grantmaking.

In 2020, #Foundations increasingly apply #equityandinclusion to #grantmaking.

I applaud these steps and I wonder, what of their #evaluationstrategies?

Thanks to Deanna Fowler, MPH, I became familiar with Temple University grad and Philadelphia native Jara Dean-Coffey. In the October 2018 edition of American Journal of Evaluation,  Dean-Coffey published “What’s Race Got to Do With It? Equity and Philanthropic Evaluation Practice."

Dean-Coffey, a seasoned evaluation #consultant, provides an enlightened approach to this important work tested over time. The development of appropriately shifted grantmaking #strategies will have limited #impact, she writes, if the currently implemented evaluation programs are not examined as they “may unintentionally reinforce racism. Equitable evaluation shifts the current evaluation paradigm to one that centers equity/racial equity, so that it is more aligned with the values and intentions of current day #philanthropic endeavors.”

To access the entire article, visit: