12 Largest Donor Advised Funds' (DAF) Public Advice to Charities
I found the following suggestions on DAF website sections dedicated to supporting #nonprofits looking for #grants & although one could say these suggestions are common sense, I share to inspire thoughtful dialog:
1. "Our #donoradvisors check GuideStar - update your #data on #programs, staffing, and financials annually."
2. "We use PayPal Giving Fund Charity Accounts to transfer #funds. Make it easy for our #donors by either updating or creating your #organization's profile."
3. "Install #DAFDirect to your website to signal to donors that you wish to receive donor-advised #grant funds." Link: https://www.dafdirect.org/
4. "Put your charity's Tax ID# on your website."
5. Fidelity Charitable® offers to manually update your information in your system by calling a toll-free number. This is worth it, especially if you have moved in the past 5 years.
6. If you receive the #donor's contact info, send a thank you note to them for making a #gift through their #DAF.