How can video help you build relatable engagement?

How can video help you build relatable engagement?

Cultivating and stewarding supporters to contribute to your cause could be described as equal parts magic, reason, and spirit. I’d like to suggest another term to consider: relatable engagement. 

Have you seen an example of a remarkable campaign presence online? I have seen brilliance in the University of Pennsylvania's capital campaign, The Power of Penn. The storytelling principles employed here, and the weaving together of distinct voices  are outstanding.


Penn is an Ivy League institution with an endowment of well over $10 billion, placing them in a rarified sphere of nonprofits.  As a global leader in research, education, and innovation, the scale of their ambition is immense, as reflected in this powerful video. 

But that doesn’t mean you can’t draw inspiration from what they’ve done here. 


In all likelihood your organization is working on a much smaller scale, in a more narrowly defined area—and that’s perfectly okay.  Think about the most impactful television or digital spots you’ve seen: they often focus on small, very human moments or interactions. 


When you’re telling the story of your organization, you don’t need to overshoot. You should aim to be clear, authentic, and recognizable to your audience. 


Think about some of these questions:  How do you have an impact?  What are the specific issues or areas where you shine?  Who benefits from your work?  What challenges are you confronting right now?  Where do you envision your future?  What’s the case for offering your organization financial support? 


If you can speak clearly to these areas - whether you work for an entity in Lyon, Montevideo, Tokyo, or elsewhere -- then you have a story to tell. 

For those that perceive that video is best reserved for large organizations with substantial resources, consider this: recent research shows that production quality is not the major factor when it comes to persuading people on advocacy, fundraising, political, and awareness campaigns. Instead it's the quality, relatability, and authenticity of the story that moves an audience.

What story do you want to tell?