
What are you doing to take advantage of your natural strengths in resource generating – while also evaluating the results of specific actions? Do you have a solid understanding of why your supporters (media, donors, followers, subscribers, volunteers) are initially drawn to, and continually...
What lessons can we learn from the last recession? What methods of planning and execution have shown the greatest correlation with success? Harvard Business School announced their findings back in March 2010. The key to growing during and after a recession, researchers claim, is a balancing act...
The sacred mushroom hunting that Matteo is doing below could be compared to the process fundraisers go through in identifying, cultivating, and securing large donors, both household and institutional. Let's talk about major gifts and grants for a minute: +++=> Sorting - Have you tried running a...
Life insurance is for everyone. Singles. Couples. People with kids. Childless folks. Same-sex couples. And even nonprofit organizations - a timely suggestion because of the high # of people updating their estate planning documents during the pandemic. Two points about this: => A reminder for...
This is my Godson’s first finger painting. It’s displayed on our refrigerator at home. In the current WFH environment, I get to see this and several other works of his creation that are also on the fridge, several times a day. It's a nice moment of Zen, where I get to see his perfectly imperfect...