
Before recruiting another board member, ask yourself these three questions: 1. In relation to your organization's strategy, what roles are needed now? 2. What specific skills would strengthen the overall board of directors? 3. Whose voices are missing from your leadership? Are your recruitment...
Do you want to create more close and authentic connections to your organization with a greater number of people? Try video messages, which improves email engagement metrics. Research consistently shows – and practical studies underscore the current status of effectiveness - that video messaging in...
How is donor stewardship like the circus act of plate spinning? How many plates can you effectively spin at once? Let's start with a growth mindset. Consider that our common goal is to authentically increase meaningful relationships with a set of individuals and households in order to bring...
Leaders of all kinds of organizations, from Fortune 1000 companies to nonprofits all over the world, are concerned about climate change. What can you do about climate change at your organization? 1. Ask your investment committee or financial advisor or CFO to identify opportunities to invest your...
What have I learned? ** I’ve learned that remote work is mostly feasible, and even desirable in certain circumstances. ** I’ve continued to develop skills in surprising ways. ** I’ve found new ways to collaborate with colleagues as we respond to changes brought on by the pandemic. ** I discovered a...