
Who would you like to meet for coffee this week? I'm excited to be working again with communications and marketing consultant Kendra Gaeta on a project to help build a statewide legal services organization's capacity. What makes our collaboration effective, in my view, is that we each bring...
It’s been several years since my time with BCW (Burson Cohen & Wolfe, formerly Burson-Marsteller) and I was curious to see how the company has evolved since then. I decided to do some virtual checking in. . When I visited their website, the first thing I saw was BCW's recently revised statement on...
Cultivating and stewarding supporters to contribute to your cause could be described as equal parts magic, reason, and spirit. I’d like to suggest another term to consider: relatable engagement. Have you seen an example of a remarkable campaign presence online? I have seen brilliance in the...
How in the world do you recruit volunteers during a pandemic? Why do you need to do this in the first place? A quick reminder: A good % of board & nonprofit leaders understand that volunteer value can notably improve your bottom line, boost employee morale, and lead to a more fully engaged brand...
What is it about sitting around a campfire or a fire pit that lends itself so naturally to storytelling, laughter, and deep conversation? We’ve probably all found ourselves in such a setting, exchanging stories with good friends or family. Something about these moments—when we’re relaxed, unhurried...